Nunc dimittis
Last week we thought about the Magnificat and this evening I want to think a bit more about the other Song of Praise that we sing in the Evening Prayer service, which is the Nunc Dimittis. Nunc Dimittis is the Latin for the words ‘now you are dismissing’, and the words are those of Simeon contained in the gospel of Luke ( 2:28 -32) as the baby Jesus is taken by Mary and Joseph to the Temple – there they will make their sacrifice to God as a thanksgiving for the gift of the child. At the Temple they meet Simeon, a man who we are told is righteous and devout ( 2:25 ). He seems to have been waiting quietly for the promised day when God would save his people – through the Holy Spirit God had promised Simeon that his life would not end until he had seen the Messiah. In the baby Jesus, Simeon recognised his Messiah and he praised God, satisfied that his life’s work was done. And we’re told that Mary and Joseph were amazed at what was being said about Jesus. These words are ...