Just the beginning
Just the one sermon today and nothing next week ! If you would like to read another sermon for then have a look at http://mysundaysermon.blogspot.com One day, Saint Thomas Aquinas, the great teacher and philosopher, and his Dominican brothers were gathered for their hour of recreation. They were all talking, laughing, and enjoying one another's company before going back to their work, prayer, and study… Someone asked Saint Thomas , "If the world were to end in fifteen minutes, what would you do?" He replied, "I would continue doing exactly what I am doing right now." Given that question I wonder what our answers would be – would it be to spend time here in Church with our Christian brothers and sisters, worshipping, praying, celebrating God’s love, or would it be rushing off to sort out some problem with someone or to try and resolve some long argument, or perhaps just to go off and be with family… I guess we all wonder whether we would greet a moment li...