God is still working !
From time to time most of us will get rather depressed about the state of the Church today – we look around and often see large Church buildings with very few worshippers, and many of them seem hopelessly divided. Pessimistically people talk of the demise of the Church, and perhaps even of a society where there would be no Churches. We worry about money, we worry about buildings, we worry about a lack of children in Church, we worry about all kinds of things ! But this evening in the New Testament reading (Acts 7:44 -50), I think Stephen, who would become the first Christian martyr, had a message for the Church today. Just to recap a little bit, Stephen had gone about preaching the gospel. We are told that he was full of grace and power, and did great wonders and signs among the people. But like many people who fight to do good, and offer a good news message, he had upset some people, and this had resulted in his arrest. He was a threat to the Jewish religious order and systems...