Building his Church
Today’s gospel reading begins with some of the most powerfully symbolic words we read in the Bible – ‘when the days drew near for him to be taken up, Jesus set his face to go to Jerusalem ’ (Luke 9:51 ). Quite an innocuous sentence perhaps, but this one verse marks the turning point in Jesus’ ministry – up to this point he has taught people, he has encouraged and preached, he has challenged people, he has performed miracles, and he would continue to do these things, but now he is moving on to another part of his mission – the trip to Jerusalem and to the cross. Thinking about a trip I read a joke this week about a couple who were going on holiday. They were standing in line waiting to check in their bags and the husband said to the wife, ‘I wish we’d brought the piano.’ The wife turned and looked at him as if he was stupid (something wives often do to their husbands from my experience !), but anyway she asked ‘Why would you want to bring the piano ? We’ve got 6 bags already !’ ‘Yes...