Lords Prayer
Today in the gospel reading that we have just heard we have Luke’s account (11: 1-13) of Jesus teaching his disciples what we know as the Lords Prayer. For many, perhaps all of us, prayer is a very spiritual sort of thing at times. It is an attempt to get closer to God, to communicate our needs and the needs of others, and our thanks. It’s grounded in a hope which is sometimes a little bit distant. We are assured that prayer is always answered but we are not always told how or when. But one of the main things that strikes me about the Lords Prayer is its relevance here and now. It doesn’t matter that the words were spoken by Jesus 2000 years ago, they apply to a vision which we must hold now. This week there was a huge headline on the back page of the South Wales Echo announcing that ‘God is now a City star.’ It seems that God, not surprisingly I might add, has indeed come to Cardiff. Of course the God that was referred to in the Echo is Robbie Fowler who has signed for Cardiff Cit...