Don't judge or else.......
The parable that Jesus told in the gospel reading this morning (Luke 15:1-8) is a very well known account of the love and grace of God, and his desire to seek out and save everyone who is lost. The circumstances are particularly important. Once again, Jesus is talking near the Pharisees and the scribes, those people who were really good at listening in to other people’s conversations, and saying how bad everyone else was. And so Jesus launched into this parable about the lost sheep – 99 were safe, but one was missing. And so the shepherd would go after the one, searching until he found it, and then celebrating the find… Beyond what we have heard this morning Jesus then goes on to talk about the woman having 10 silver coins, and losing one, and then searching for it and having a celebration when it’s found. And in the final parable of this section, Jesus tells the story of the Prodigal Son – the young man who stupidly threw away his fortune, but was then welcomed back into the family ...