Bible Sunday
As a child, attitudes towards your parents tend to change fairly dramatically. There are those early years when you place complete trust in them, crying for them whenever you’re upset or hungry, or wanting anything at all. Any problem if it comes can be sorted out by your parents ! And then you get a little bit older and start to disagree over certain things – perhaps you want more pocket money, or perhaps you want to stay out longer than they think you should, and things don’t seem so good. The wonderful infallible parents of your early childhood seem to be replaced by hopelessly out of touch old people ! But hopefully that stage doesn’t last too long either, and gradually you come around once again to recognising that whilst they’re not infallible, they are wise, and seeking to do the right thing for those they care about. And in many ways this relationship with parents can mirror that of our relationship with the Bible. In Sunday School perhaps you were taught lots of stories fr...