Roll the stone away
Part of our gospel reading this evening (Mark 15:46-16:8) has the account of the two Mary’s and Salome bringing oils to anoint the body of Jesus. As they approach the practicalities of the situation set in, as they ask ‘Who will roll the stone away from the entrance to the tomb ?’ It’s a natural enough question as 3 women approach without a hope of moving away this huge stone that would cover the entrance to the tomb. But of course we know what happens next – the stone has already gone, as has the risen Jesus. And as I was reading through this passage it struck me that actually we, like those women, are often guilty of wondering how we can do things ourselves rather than seeking the help of God, and like those women, we too will inevitably realise the impossibility of some of our tasks if we take that approach. There’s a story about a sign seen in a textile mill which read, "When your thread becomes tangled, call the foreman." A young woman was new on the job. Her threa...