Worldly ?
One of the criticisms of the changing Church today is that sometimes we go too far to be worldly. In other words we try to live up to the expectations that the world places on us rather than the ones Jesus places on us. I have no doubt that there is an element of truth in this at times, however some people who use this argument are not really arguing for a return to the basic faith of the early Church, or of the Church that Christ inspired, but to a Church which was based on the worldly values of the late 19th century. I don’t want to go back to that Church, but I think we can learn valuable lessons from it. The most important one being that the Church built a commitment and following by touching the needs and desires of the people at that time, and that is what any Church in any age must seek to do. And today’s world, atleast in the West, is not an easy one in which to do that. Charles Colson, the politician disgraced in the Watergate scandal, who later became a Christian, quoted the ...