Christ the King 2009
Desmond Tutu tells the story of a light bulb that shone brightly and proudly. He says how it began to strut about arrogantly, quite unmindful of how . . . it could shine so brilliantly, and thinking that it was all due to its own merit and skill." One day the light bulb was taken out of the socket and placed on a table. "Try as hard as it could, the light bulb could give no light and brilliance. . .” Each one of us has the opportunity to shine as lights in the world. Each one of us can do good, can begin in small ways to make a difference in the world – a difference for good. Anne Frank, the young Jewish girl who wrote a diary whilst hiding from the Germans in Amsterdam in the war, wrote, ‘How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world’. We all have a challenge of building a better world, and each of us are given gifts to help us do that. It may be through our giving in money or time, it may be in prayer, it may be in action, mo...