The Great Shepherd
Tonight in the New Testament reading from the gospel of John (10:1-19) we have the account of Jesus describing himself as the Good Shepherd. Shepherds in the time of Jesus were tremendously important – they had the care of flocks of sheep, and they were expected to care for them in whatever way was necessary – even to the point of risking their lives for the sheep. It was a poor occupation, and shepherds were often made to pay for any sheep that went astray, and this was well known at the time – for Jesus to describe himself as a shepherd he was describing himself as someone who was willing to give up everything for his flock, and someone who was expecting very little in the way of reward. There was a preacher once who preached on this passage and talked of sheep as being cuddly and rather cute – then going on to say how comforting it was that these cuddly and cute creatures should be so well cared for by a shepherd – they would be safe and warm in his care. After the service someone a...