There’s a true story about a burglar in Antwerp in Belgium who was disturbed during a robbery in a house. Keen to get away quickly he managed to clamber over a 9 foot wall – dropping down the other side, he found he was in the city prison ! I suspect that we could all feel a certain amount of satisfaction in that situation that justice had been done. However this may not be quite so clear from our gospel reading this evening (Matthew (20:1-16). Here Jesus tells a story about a landowner who went out and hired labourers for his vineyard early in the morning – he agreed with them a wage for their work. Later he went out about 9 o’clock and hired some more, and he did the same thing at 12 o’clock and at 3 o’clock. When, at 5 o’clock he went out and saw some workers still waiting around having not been hired for the day, he told them to come and do some work for him as well. At the end of the day those who began work at 5 o’clock were paid first and received the usual daily wage – this pro...