Woman at the well
Someone once said that the role of a preacher is to comfort the afflicted and afflict the comfortable. The first part, comfort the afflicted, is nice – it’s a quality that I’m sure all of us hope to show whenever it’s needed, but the second point, to afflict the comfortable, is not so nice – and it’s also not as easy ! But we’re in Lent, a time of trial and self examination, and a time of honest God inspired appraisal of ourselves, so it seems a good time to do a bit of both ! And that’s what Jesus did in this passage that we’ve heard in the gospel reading this morning (John 4:5-14). He was, we are told, visiting a Samaritan city – strange enough by itself for a Jew as the Jews traditionally hated the Samaritans, and then as a Samaritan woman approached, he actually spoke to her and asked her for some water, and he chatted to her and you get the impression that far from judging her or hating her, he actually cared for her. Immediately this passage would set alarm bells ringing for the ...