Peace be with you...
On Friday millions watched the Royal Wedding – many made the journey to London to catch a glimpse of the Royal family celebrating their big day, and many more watched on televisions or on big screens throughout the world – the wedding captured people’s imagination – people who certainly wanted to enjoy the moment and the big day but also the people who were wondering what comes next… We all know that sadly not all weddings, royal or otherwise, prove to be the beginning of long happy marriages – but there is a sense of expectation and anticipation on the wedding day as people join in the festivities, and offer a word of prayer for the couple… Anticipation and excitement are 2 of the themes of our gospel reading today (John 20:19-31). Jesus had risen from the dead and appeared to his disciples – and in doing so he stood amongst them and said the very simple words, ‘Peace be with you’ – but what power there is in those words. Jesus who had been through so much with and for the very friend...