
Showing posts from January, 2013

The Spirit of the Lord is upon me

Someone once said that the tragedy of life is not that it ends so soon, but that we take so long to begin it… Many people get so bogged down with existing that they forget to concentrate on the gift of really living. Perhaps its work or family commitments, worries about money or simply recognising the opportunities all around us, but so many of us fail to grasp the fullness of life which Jesus says he came to offer for all. Today in our gospel reading (Luke 4:14-21) we hear of Jesus returning to speak in his home town, Nazareth. I have been back on a number of occasions to speak in Penarth in my home church – and there I am speaking amongst family and some people who’ve known me since I was very young, and it’s not easy. However encouraging people may be you just get the feeling quite often that people are simply thinking – ‘Oh its nice to have you back here… lovely that you’re preaching !!’ But actually its very hard to get over that barrier to the point where people actually rea...