Waiting hopefully
Today in our Church calendar we move into the season of advent – T he first Sunday in advent is traditionally new years ’ day in the life of the Church, and we begin to look forward again to the celebration of the birth of Jesus. Like any new year, advent is a time of reflection – it’s a time of looking back perhaps, but a dvent is primarily about looking forward, perhaps to the nightmare of Christmas shopping, if you haven’t already done it, perhaps to the joys of spending time with family, the Christmas parties… perhaps even to new year, Christmas being over, and the chance to start again – to make and try and keep those resolutions once again ! But the looking forward in advent could be much longer term than any of those things, because in advent we look forward to the promised return of Jesus, and on this first Sunday in advent one of the themes of the day is ‘Hope’. In the current economic state many peo...