It's all about conversations...
From Helen Today we celebrate Trinity Sunday, the day that we think of the majesty and glory of God as we think of the fact that God created us, God became one of us and God walks with us now as the Holy Spirit. This could be the most complex of all days but actually I think that it may be simpler than we expect. I want you to think for a moment of c onversations. I as you know har d l y ever talk ! I never have much to say, but more seriously have you ever thought about the number of different conversations we may hear a day. It may be other people talking to us, it may be us talking to other people, it may be the radio, the television, eavesdropping – and I am afraid we all probably do that from time to time but conversation can tell us so much. A while ago my Mum was going on holiday to Italy. She was really looking forward to it, but imagine my surprise when she told me that she was going to Cornwall. I told Ian that she wasn’t going to Italy anymor...