What shall I wear ? Advent Sunday 2016
from Helen Advent is here, happy new year a new year for the Church has begun. It always seems a bit strange that the first Sunday of advent is the beginning of the Church year, but actually what better way to start a year than in expectation of Jesus coming again. The idea of Jesus coming again can be concerning to some. In the programme the Vicar of Dibl ey one of the strangest parishi oners Alice Tinker asks the Vicar for the date when Jesus would co me again, after all you need to be ready with a cake or something. The vicar explains that it wont be like this, as Jesus will jus t arrive, Alice Tinker replies, “ Well, that’s very ru de.” Alice then wonders what she might be doing if Jesus just turned up. Our readings this morning have made us think about what we will , or will not be doing when Jesus returns. I wonder what we might be wearing, it sounds strange but when Jesus comes again would you want Him to find you wearing your pyjamas or nigh...