The work of Christmas begins...
It might only be a week but Christmas now seems a long time ago – much has happened, normality has been resumed in so many ways… (Even New Year’s festivities are completed for another year...) January is often referred to as the most depressing time of year – the time when winter gloom really sets in, the euphoria of Christmas has ended and people have to get back to living ‘real life’. Christmas is a wonderful interlude in our lives, but now it is very much time to get on with life… And this is kind of the sense of our gospel reading today (Luke 2:15-21). The angels had left, then the shepherds visited the new born Jesus and they went back to their fields glorifying God – and life went on… It was time for the Jesus to be circumcised to fit in with the Jewish traditions… The Son of God had been born and would grow and live as one of us... A famous Christmas verse says, "When the song of the angels is stilled, when the star in the sky is gone, when the kings and princes are h...