Christmas all year...
A farmer went to see his bank manager one day and said that he had bad news and good news. "First, the bad news...""Well," said the farmer, "I can't make my mortgage payments. And that loan I've taken out for the past 10 years - I can't pay that off, either. Not only that, I won't be able to pay you the money I still have outstanding on my tractors and other equipment. So I'm going to have to give up the farm and turn it all over to you for whatever you can salvage out of it." Silence prevailed for a minute and then the bank manager said, "What's the good news?" "The good news is that I'm going to keep on banking with you," said the farmer. In the church calendar we continue today to celebrate the Christmas season and that is a reminder that God continues to put his faith in us regardless of the bad news that we seem to give him from time to time. Admittedly the new year sales have started, some decoration...