Be my everything
From Helen This morning is one of those mornings for a preacher when you wish that you weren’t preaching. It is a morning when you could easily confuse people, a morning when basically you could end up being a heretic as you try and explain how God is Father, Son and Holy Spirit but is still one God. Yes this morning is an important day. It isn’t Christmas, it isn’t Easter it isn’t even my birthday !! Today is the day when we celebrate that God amazing wants to be in a relationship with us. A day when we give thanks that God has shown Himself to us in so many ways because He is all around us and He loves us. Today is confusing, as we try to work out how God can be three in one and one in three. There are lots of different ways that we can view the Trinity. The first is that in the same way that H2O can be running water, steam and ice so God can show Himself to us as Creator, Redeemer and Comforter. In the same way that a transformer toy is one toy but can be a robot, a car...