What if tomorrow.......
Advent is a really strange time in the Christian calendar. It is, along with lent, the most solemn season of the year – flowers are taken out of Church, the Gloria is omitted from the service, and the colour of the season is purple – only used otherwise for lent and for funeral services. And yet, whilst we have few problems in recognising lent as a time for self sacrifice and reflection, this always seems more difficult during advent. And it doesn’t take a genius to work out why. Outside Church everyone and everything seems to be getting ready for Christmas – decorations are going up, carols are being sung, Christmas music is playing in the shops, and there are dinners and concerts and parties to attend. There is a huge contrast between advent in Church life, and the preparation for Christmas going on everywhere else. And this perhaps reminds us of the huge contrast that there is between so much of what we as Christians proclaim and celebrate and the thoughts and pract...