Ask, search, find...
A little boy was asked one day if he said his prayers before a meal and he replied, ‘I don’t have to, my mum is a good cook !’ In our readings today we think very much about prayer and about how we live with prayer at the centre of our lives… Rowan Williams wrote, ‘The Lord’s Prayer is completely fresh, it never gets stale because what it’s talking about is the human condition in the presence of God. It’s about the world we live in and the world God wants us to live in… And what it’s praying for is the most revolutionary change you can imagine in the world…’ As we pray the Lord’s prayer through our services and perhaps in our private times of prayer I wonder if we recognise that what we are praying for is revolutionary change… But when we are praying for God’s kingdom to come, for daily bread, for forgiveness of sins as we forgive the sins of others we are using revolutionary language and that is how it should be… And this revolutionary power is act...