Part of the continuing drama
From Helen I am an avid reader. I love books. My parents encouraged a love of reading in me. The problem for my Mum was that if I had been naughty- I know it’s hard to believe-she couldn’t send me to my room as that would be a treat, as I could read in quiet to my hearts content. It was often thought that I would prefer to read about something than to do it. I thought about this as I prepared for this morning. Today is Bible Sunday the day when we give thanks for our Bibles. We will all have different favourite stories from the Bible. We all have favourite passages. We know the Bible but how often would we rather read the Bible than act on its message? I have to say that I have quite a collection of Bibles and when I was younger I liked buying Bibles and handbags to match. The fact that I could do this shows how easy it is for us to get hold of a Bible, when it’s that easy it can make us forget how important it is. On the back of one translation of the Bible it reads, “...