Easter 2021
Today is the day that is the reason for our faith. The miraculous birth of Jesus, his incredible earthly life and of course his death on the cross all help to shape our faith and remind us of his amazing love for us, but today, the day of resurrection is what absolutely gives our faith foundation and meaning. It is the reason we continue to celebrate an event of 2000 years ago and will do so into eternity… If Jesus didn’t physically rise from the dead, then our faith is hollow… Jesus, the way, the truth, the life, our risen Saviour, is the reason for our faith… And our readings this morning obviously reflect this great truth… From the Old Testament Prophecy of Isaiah (25:6-9) we are given a wonderful picture of all people feasting together celebrating the victory of good over evil, light over darkness, celebrating the defeat of death forever, celebrating the end of any earthly sadness or torment or pain. There, on ...