What’s our response ? Words and actions make a difference!

Today is the last Sunday in the church year. Next week, Advent Sunday, marks the start of the new Christian year as we begin to reflect specifically on our readiness to meet Jesus, whether that is in the celebration of his birth at Christmas, or at his promised second coming. This is the Sunday that has been designated as Christ the King Sunday, a day to reflect on our relationship with God and to ask the question of whether Christ really is the King of our lives. In our readings today we’re drawn into this reflection... The reading from Jeremiah (23:1-6) talks about a common biblical topic - shepherds. Shepherds were caring and attentive. They were willing to risk everything to guide and protect the sheep in their care so it’s not surprising that this was used so commonly as an indication of how God cares for his people. But in this reading from Jeremiah, things have started to go wrong - these shepherds weren’t caring for the sheep in their care. In f...