Rest simply in the light

There’s an old joke about a little boy called Johnny meeting his new baby brother who was screaming. He asked his mum, “Where did we get him?” His mother replied, “He came from heaven, Johnny,” to which Johnny replied, “Wow! I can see why they threw him out!” I think most of us have a fair idea of what not to say to a new mother – this morning we meet someone who speaks to Mary, the mother of Jesus, and they’re words that are not usually used to greet a new born child…. They are the words of Simeon as Jesus is brought to the Temple. Today we think about the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple, sometimes known as Candlemas and we heard in the gospel (Luke 2:22-40) of Jesus being taken to the Temple 40 days after his birth as was the custom under the Jewish law. Today we reach the end of the Christmas season – you might have thought it went some weeks ago, but actually it officially lasts until today. We’ve reached this point 40 days after Christmas and we go with ...