The perfect gift

When we celebrate Christmas, most people know that it’s something to do with the birth of Jesus. When we celebrate Easter, lots of people know that it’s about a cross and about Jesus rising from the dead – and of course, there’s lots of people that know it’s about Easter eggs too ! Today we celebrate Pentecost, one of the great days in the Church calendar, but one that is less well known. It is the day we remember the gift of the Holy Spirit being given to the early followers and to all who have followed since… In our reading from Acts (2:1-21) we’re told of the disciples gathered together and three things stick out – firstly, they were expectant. Jesus had promised a helper. They didn’t quite know what this would be exactly and this helper wouldn’t be a replacement for Jesus with them, but it would empower each follower to try and live like Jesus. And so these disciples who had watched Jesus die, but who had seen Jesus risen, now waited expectantly… And s...