
Back in the summer I was fortunate enough to officiate at my niece’s wedding and then to go to the reception after. A couple of years ago I took part in a wedding for another niece and next year there’s another niece getting married ! It sounds like I have a lot of nieces but actually that’s it and they’ve just got married fairly close together ! A lot of people like a good wedding, and in the gospel reading today (Matt.22:1-14) we hear about a big party – a party thrown by the king as a wedding banquet for his son. Surely lots of people would want to come. There would probably be great food and lots of it, plenty to drink, wonderful entertainment, and of course the chance to mingle with royalty. There would surely be no shortage of people wanting to come – but there was ! The slaves were sent out to give the invitations to all those that the king wanted to come, but people ignored them… And so the king, furious and keen not to lose face, sent them out again, t...