The right choice for Christmas

Some of you may have heard before about a book called ‘Run Baby Run’. It is the story of a man called Nicky Cruz who, in the late 50’s and early 60’s became a gang leader in New York. He tells of the time when he first arrived in the City from Puerto Rico – alone and with very little money. He wrote ‘Moving on down the street I stopped in front of a Church. A heavy iron gate had been pulled across the front doors and it was fastened with a chain and padlock. I stood in front of the grey building, looking up at the steeple which pointed towards the heavens. The cold stone walls and dark stained glass windows huddled for protection behind the iron fence. The statue of a man with a kind face and sad eyes peered through the locked gate. His arms were outstretched and covered with snow. But he was locked in, and I was locked out…’ For some people there is a feeling that God is someone or something, unreachable, unapproachable… But Christmas offers us an incredible re...