Happy Christmas!

It’s great to be here this evening to celebrate Christmas! Whatever December has looked like for you, whether it has been really busy, really quiet, full of carol services and or parties, shopping or trying to get work done by the end of the year, trying to calm excited children, or perhaps spending time reflecting on Christmases of the past with whatever memories you have of them, we’ve reached Christmas. Through December the church calendar follows the season of Advent when we wait and look forward to the celebration of Jesus’ birth and all that event meant and means. But now the waiting is over and into whatever is going on around us, Jesus is born… We’ve just heard a very famous Christmas reading from the Gospel according to John (1:1-14) – it begins, “In the beginning was the Word and the word was with God and the word was God…” but in a modern adaptation of the Bible, it says rather more plainly, “The Word became flesh and blood, and moved into the neighbou...