Exploding with good news!

In so many ways, Easter Day needs no words and yet here I am…! And so I’ll begin with the simple fact that Easter is the reason we’re here. If the cross at Calvary had been the end of the story, then it would have been the end of the story. Jesus would have been long forgotten. But today, in spite of all the miserable stories we hear about the decline of Christianity, Jesus is proclaimed as the Messiah by 2.5 billion people… And the invitation that Jesus offered in his earthly life to follow him remains the same today – come and follow, just as you are… That simple invitation changes lives… In our readings today we’re thinking unsurprisingly about life, about abundant life! In the Old Testament reading from Isaiah (25:6-9) we heard of the mountain prepared by the Lord with all kinds of rich food and good wine. It’s the picture not of a trip to a good restaurant, but of God providing abundantly for his people, of God wanting the ...