Abundantly fed!

I’m sure we’ve all had the experience at some time of giving something to someone and watching with joy at how much it means to them… I’m a little biased but my grandchildren are wonderful at receiving gifts and showing how excited they are – one time my wife had wrapped up some presents in the same paper and when we gave a present to our youngest grandson we realised it had got confused with a present for our niece – now there’s quite a lot of difference in the type of presents a 25 year old young lady might like and what an 8 year old boy might like – but he opened it and gave a big smile and a big thank you before looking to his mum for some sort of advice as to what this might be ! The first response was to appreciate what had been given and it’s always good to see that look of excitement or surprise when you give something to someone. Of course, we may well get a similar response from someone who is desperate for food or a drink and we are able to provide it…. Another gift I can t...