
Showing posts from October, 2024

What’s it worth?

  Our gospel reading today (Mark 10:17-31) is a little uncomfortable for any of us with any money or possessions. Jesus is approached by this man who asks him what he must do to get eternal life... It seems that the man is looking for a checklist he can complete, but Jesus of course doesn’t give him a simple answer.  Instead, he says about keeping the commandments, and the man says he’s done that, but then Jesus adds, ‘... go, sell what you own and give the money to the poor, and you will have treasure in heaven; then come and follow me.’ This isn’t the answer the man wanted, but perhaps Jesus was pointing out the very thing that was stopping the man from really being willing to follow Jesus. This reading is often used in stewardship talks, when we’re asked to consider what we are giving to God. It is really important that we consider our giving, whether that be in money or time or anything else, in relation to what God has done and does for us, in relation to the love that was display