A Royal Invitation

People have lots of views on kings - some good some bad. When we think about kings we perhaps inevitably think of palaces and riches, perhaps grand clothes and lots of power and influence… Today is Christ the King Sunday. Five years ago I received an invitation to a Royal Garden Party. It was a great privilege of course, and it was good to receive the rather grand looking invitation, but today we have a much more important invitation as we are invited to consider Jesus as king, but king of what or who? And to answer that, we’re invited to reflect on Jesus, who came to live amongst us 2000 years ago. Jesus, described as the king of the Jews - probably as an insult or as sarcasm, but 2000 years later, we know that in terms of influence there is no greater king that has ever lived. And we’re invited also to look at the things associated with that king - from our readings today, we hear from the book of Daniel (7:9,10,13,14) , foretelling of Jesus. It says, ‘I...