St David inspiring Wales

Yesterday Wales celebrated S t David’s Day . There’s not a huge amo u nt known about David, but from what we do know there are lessons for us all… Thi s year the day falls just before Lent but much of the reflection on the life o f David suit s a Lenten sort of lifestyle because without dwelling on the details too much it seems that David lived a very frugal life. David lived in the 6 th century and we know that he founded a monastery. It is thought that he came from a noble family... There is often discussion of people who have been well brought up having to remain in the manner to which they are accustomed – but this was not so for David. David’s lifestyle did not encourage comfort. The idea of remaining in the style to which he would have been accustomed was thrown o ut of the window as he encouraged an ascetic lifestyle. He seems to have believed that the world was full of temptation and the less you indulged with...