September 11th Reflection

Today of course we commemorate the 5th anniversary of the attack on the Twin Towers in New York. It’s a day that is inevitably tinged with huge sadness – not just for the events that took place on that horrible day, but for the events that have continued to happen over much of the past 5 years, and sadly continue to happen even today.

Many people in the world are filled with a hatred that has nothing to do with any religion. Somewhere out of all the hatred though there is a light shining in the darkness – that light is Jesus.

In our lives we make constant choices – choices between right and wrong, good and bad, choices over what we wear, how we brush our hair ! All kinds of choices but none are as important as choosing to follow Jesus – and seek to share his light in a world where there is so much darkness. This evening instead of a sermon I’m going to read a short piece written by the Rev. Gareth Hill, a Methodist minister in Wadebridge in Cornwall. In between each of the 3 verses I’m going to leave a silence as you offer your own thoughts and prayers for peace in the world, in our community, in our Churches, and in our own lives. At the end of the piece I will say a prayer.

It’s called : "When Mountains that We Thought Secure"

When mountains that we thought secure
lie crumbled where we stand
and pain and helplessness endure
- all from another's hand -
Help us to bear the prophet's mark,
to stand apart from hate
and witness to the Father's call
for justice in the land.


God is our strength and refuge still
though all the earth give way;
our help at every time of ill,
the light of our dark day.
And as his people in the world
we bear the scars of grief,
but echo faith's resounding note
- and still for justice pray.


There is a place of holiness
where God makes warfare cease.
There is a day of hopefulness,
a promised time of peace.
So, here today, we bear the pain
of inhumanity,
but pledge our lives to live for truth
so justice may increase.


Let us pray : Lord we come before you seeking healing – healing of a broken world and healing of our own lives. We recognise that healing comes as our souls, which need not be destroyed by outward pains, choose love again — not fear, not pain, not hate. Help us to choose love. We remember your words, your commands,

"God is love" (1 John 4:16).
"In this is love, not that we loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the atoning sacrifice for our sins" (1 John: 4:10).
"No one has greater love than this, to lay down one's life for one's friends" (John
"I say to you, love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you" (Matthew
"Be merciful, just as your Father in heaven is merciful" (Luke

Help us to make these words a reality in our lives, and in the lives of those who meet us, and in all things make your name to be known and glorified in every part of the world. These things we ask in your name. AMEN


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