God's promises

An American man decided to write a book about famous Churches throughout the world. So he bought a planeticket to Orlando, thinking that he would start working his way up the United States from South to North. On his first day he went inside a Church and noticed a golden telephone mounted on the wall with a sign that read $10,000 per call. The man, intrigued, asked the Priest what the telephone was for, and the Priest replied that it was the hotline to God.

Next the man went up to Atlanta and there in a very large Cathedral he saw another golden telephone with the same sign under it. Later he travelled to various other American cities and in each Church he saw one of these golden telephones.

From the United States he travelled over to Britain. He arrived eventually in Cardiff and before visiting the Churches there he decided to take trip into the Millennium Stadium. There he was surprised to see another one of these golden telephones but the sign underneath it read ’10 pence per call’.

He quickly found a tour guide and said, ‘I’ve travelled all over America and seen these phones in many of the Churches, and I was told it was a hotline straight to God, but there the price was $10,000 per call. Why is it so cheap here ?’ The guide smiled and answered, ‘You’re in Cardiff now – it’s a local call.’

This evening we have heard some promises that God made to the people of Israel (Isaiah 44:1-8). He told them that they had no need to fear anything, that he would pour water on thirsty land, and that he would send his Spirit and his blessing on his people.

Through the life, death, resurrection and ascension of Jesus, these promises were opened up for everyone, but so often, like in the case of the long distance call, the promises of God, and indeed any communication with him at all, seems a long way off. But that’s not how it’s intended to be !

So this evening it’s worth just thinking for a few moments about those promises which are made to every one of us. First is that promise that we have no need to fear. Very often I, and maybe you as well, spend lots of time getting nervous or worried about something. Whatever the eventual outcome of that something, getting too nervous or too worried rarely helps !

In his life Jesus made it very clear that he was ready and able to satisfy every need. Very often this is confused with every desire – sadly the fact that I haven’t got a Ferrari and Cardiff Blues didn’t win the league emphasises this point that it is need and not desire that God provides for !

But being prepared to trust is what God asks of us. He says to bring before him any troubles, any burdens, and he promises to give us the strength we need to take us into and through every situation in our lives.

Secondly God offers to pour water on thirsty land. It’s perhaps a particularly relevant time to think about this because we are now at the end of Christian Aid Week and as we have thought about their work throughout the world, and the work of many other charities seeking to help those in the developing world, we are reminded that the world actually has plenty of resources for everyone, and that is why it must be our duty as Christians to try and work towards a more just distribution of the world’s resources… God has provided and continues to provide, and we are asked to be his managers, his stewards.

Thirdly God promised to pour his Spirit on his people. On that Day of Pentecost which we celebrate next Sunday, God poured out his Spirit upon the early Christians. They were inspired, motivated and equipped to go out and share the gospel message. They went out fearless and enthused, and filled with love. This message which has spread over 2000 years is still spreading – the number of Christians in the world continues to grow, as people meet Jesus face to face in their lives.

Empowered by the Holy Spirit we are witnesses of the wonderful glory and majesty of God. We are recipients of his love… just as everybody else is – and we need to tell them that !

At the end of that section that we heard from the Book of the prophet Isaiah, God reminded his people, ‘There is no other Rock !’ In other words there is no firmer base upon which to build their lives and our lives on that God himself.

As we go about our daily lives, as we go out into a world often hostile or at least apathetic to the Christian message, may we be sure that God is our Rock and he is with us every step of the way. AMEN


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