God first
From Helen.
I am not renowned for my creative skills. I can picture the way that I would like something to look but then it never looks quite as I imagined. There is an exception though. If I have some cross stitch fabric and a needle and cotton I am very happy, I will follow patterns but sometimes I just go into free flow and see what comes out at the end, I have a plan and generally get pleasant results.
Our readings this morning have spoken of the most perfect creation ever a creation that caused amazing joy, a creation that can still provide amazing joy. Our readings began with the story of creation and you can almost imagine God creating the world with sheer joy as He looked at what He had made and saw that it was good. There was a real joy.
In Romans we heard of the concerns of people as they waited for God to help them as they looked at the world around and the creation and knew that things were not perfect and full of joy as God had intended them to be.
The two readings are tied together by the gospel reading. Jesus was speaking to a group of people who were interested in Him and what He had to say. These people may have been ready to be challenged by Jesus over the right way to live, they may have been sceptical over what Jesus had to say, either way Jesus appears to be full of joy and wonder at the creation around Him. He looked at the birds and saw that they had no worries, everything was sorted out for them and they flew with freedom, the lilies He saw grew with no concerns.
Jesus used the illustration of creation to show the joy felt by God as He created. This encouraged people not to worry with the assurance that God is in control. Well, I don’t know about you but that is easy enough for someone else to listen and not worry, however I like to be in control… incidentally so does Ian, it is amazing that we get on so well!!
It is really hard in the case of difficulty to trust God and not worry, but this morning’s readings reminded us of the joy of God in creating and then the difficulties that come when we don’t trust God and instead see everything as a worry. Jesus looked at creation He felt joy and He taught us how to do this as well. When we put God first, when we strive for God’s kingdom to be known then a difference can be made. Worry will not go away but it will be a lot easier to deal with when we remember that God who was so full of joy in creating wants us to experience that joy by protecting and loving us as we turn to Him to be more like Him.
The joy of God will become known in our lives when we turn to God more and more and also when we spread His good news with others.
This week I have read two statements about anxiety and worry that I would like to finish with.
The first is from the founder of the 24/7 prayer movement, ‘Anxious is how your heart feels when your mind is full. Peace is how your mind feels when your heart is full.’
The second is one used by the former Bishop of Durham Tom Wright, ‘Put the world first, and you’ll find it gets moth-eaten in your hands. Put God first, and you’ll get the world thrown in.’
May we be ready to put God first, to enjoy His creation and to enjoy His love for us. AMEN