A royal command
From Helen May I speak in the name of God: Father, Son and Holy Spirit. AMEN I love stories, I love the excitement of characters and working out what might happen to different people. I can’t understand people who read the end of a novel first to see whether it is worth reading the rest of the book. This morning I want to tell you a story that is not a novel but is actually true and this is the story of Esther from whose book we heard this morning. Esther was a queen she did lots of great things, she protected her people and their faith and she did it all through prayer and faithfulness. The story is good but what it means for us is even better. So please sit back and enjoy the tale of Esther … The story of Esther began around 479BC. She was a Jewish girl living in exile in Persia. The King whose name was Xerxes had a disagreement with his wife Vashti and so decided that he needed to find a new wife. See – Henry VIII was not ...