Don’t worry, Be happy. God is in control...

From Helen

Today we have had a very long reading from the Old Testament (Genesis 1:1-2:3). This was the incredible story of creation. I was looking at the readings for today sat in front of a window on which there were a number of rain drops. I am not going to get all soppy and flowery now, but it got me to thinking about how I saw creation and the weather as a little girl. I believed that thunder wasn’t scary because it was just the clouds bumping into each other. The snow came because it even got cold in heaven. The wind was God letting out a big breath and the rain … well, I was convinced that even God needed to go to the toilet sometimes. 

I am pleased to say that I don’t hold these views now. I do still believe that God is behind everything. By that I mean I still believe that God created the earth. I love to think of Him looking at the world and thinking – not bad, I did that. I love the idea of Him being like an artist looking for perfection. I really like the thought of God being playful almost as He created. Almost a kind of, “Well let’s see what happens if I separate the waters.” And then “Let me see what else I can make.” Of course there is lots of different views in science but I believe that every one of these views points back to God.

The most important bit is that God created, and it was good. Of course we are all human and so we mess things up sometimes but with the help of God our creator it will all come right.

This is the help that God gives us. God who made us, God who made this earth loves us all. It is not in the way of someone I know who when I asked how old his 5 children were said, “I think one is 7” no, “one is 9” “hang on wait a moment how many children do I have again ?” I have to say he was very happily married with lovely children that he loved very much. God looks at us His creation and He knows us by name, He does know how old we are. This is God and His creation and He is proud of it, He loves us. 

I am sure we have some artists in our midst. I am not so good – I can picture the way that I would like something to look but then it never looks quite as I imagined. I was once talking to the artist Nick Holly who asked me if I was creative, I replied, “Well I can sew…” 

Anyway, as we have heard the reading from Genesis told us about the most perfect creation ever a creation that caused amazing joy. In our reading from Romans (8:18-25) we heard of the concerns of people as they waited for God to help them.  They had looked at the world around and the creation and they knew that things were not perfect and full of joy as God had intended them to be. Like all of us as they waited they were anxious. They knew that God was in control and that the suffering they saw was nothing compared to what they were going to see when they saw God in His glory.

It’s  almost a bit like, “Don’t worry, be happy.” Well, that’s fine for other people but worry is what keeps things happening. Actually, worry is what makes us anxious and helps us to forget important things.

It’s the gospel reading (Matthew 6:25-34) which helps us the most. You can picture the scene the disciples were there listening to Jesus and He told them not to worry. He didn’t leave them with just those words though, He explained some more. He talked about creation.

As Jesus spoke He appeared to be full of joy and wonder at the creation around Him. He looked at the birds and saw that they had no worries, everything was sorted out for them and they flew with freedom, the lilies He saw grew with no concerns.

Jesus used the illustration of creation to show the joy felt by God as He created. This encouraged people not to worry with the assurance that God is in control. Well, I don’t know about you but that is easy enough for someone else to listen to us and tell us not to worry. My Mum used to say that I worried about not worrying !

It’s easy to say, “don’t worry God made you and He is glad He made you and is in control” when really we are thinking, “Ok, God I know you created me and have joy about all that you created and I do trust you, but just in case I will do it myself.” 

It’s really hard in the case of difficulty to trust God and not worry, but this morning’s readings reminded us of the joy of God in creating and then the difficulties that come when we don’t trust God and instead see everything as a worry. Jesus looked at creation He felt joy and He taught us how to do this as well. When we put God first, when we strive for God’s kingdom to be known then a difference can be made. Worry will not go away but it will be a lot easier to deal with when we remember that God who was so full of joy in creating wants us to experience that joy by protecting and loving us as we turn to Him to be more like Him.

The joy of God will become known in our lives when we turn to God more and more and also when we spread His good news with others.

I have two statements about anxiety and worry that I would like to finish with.
The first is from the founder of the 24/7 prayer movement, ‘Anxious is how your heart feels when your mind is full. Peace is how your mind feels when your heart is full.’

The second is one used by the former Bishop of Durham Tom Wright, ‘Put the world first, and you’ll find it gets moth-eaten in your hands. Put God first, and you’ll get the world thrown in.’

May we be ready to put God first, to enjoy His creation knowing that our Heavenly Father knows what we need before we even ask Him. AMEN


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