
BARRIERS What are our strongest barriers ? Are they the physical barriers of walls or fences, are they the borders of countries where borders still exist, or are they the barriers we erect in our minds. Walls can be knocked down, fences climbed and the borders of countries passed with the right documents... But what about those in our mind? The barriers we put up because we're nervous or afraid of someone or something. The barriers we put up because we're unsure of ourselves. The barriers we put up because we think we're right and they, whoever 'they' may be, are wrong. Those barriers aren't broken easily and they are the most damaging barriers of all. They are the barriers that create intolerance, dislike, even hate. And they are the barriers that prevent the recognition of the reality that by ourselves we can do or be little, but with others of all shapes and sizes and colours and backgrounds, we have the chance to touch lives, to change lives; to be touched and changed - to love and be loved. So love without barriers - feel love shared back... And know that no barrier needs to be put up, because one who lived on earth 2000 years ago and lives today put up no barriers - he opened himself and his life to friends and foes, to people he knew and those he didn't... And he didn't put up a barrier to stop his arrest, to stop his torture, to stop his humiliation, to stop the pain of death... Because he knew how to love and he knew above all that love would win - because hate can never beat love... So let's drop the barriers of fear of what or who we don't know or what or who we don't understand. Know he loves us with a love that surrounds us and protects us and wants the best for us... and love as he loves us...


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