Lord, give us some perspective

Lord, give us some perspective... Reading through the twitter feeds, there are so many needs. So many worries from people - all different. There's Oklahoma, Iraq, Afghanistan's still there too. And the IF campaign, and people starving, and oh, same sex marriage too. And of course there's the Holy Land, today its a bank robbery, but every day there's the pain of separation, desperation, fear of attack for some. But it is the land of the Holy One, and in Him we're reminded to trust, because through all the pain he's there. And through all the pain, through the worries, he hints at a lesson in compassion. He's been through pain, he accepted pain and he still feels pain today. The pain of seeing us lose perspective about what's really important; lose hope, forget the victory over death he has won for us all. Whilst pain is real today we need compassion and we need perspective. To remember those in places where suffering has become such common place that we don't even hear of it on the news anymore. To pray for those whose misery we do see on TV and read about in the papers. To care for those on both sides of debates which feature prominently, recognising that we may not always agree. To pray for those who are fearful or mourning. And to remember to offer with our compassion some hope. Not the glib hope that says its all ok because there's a bigger picture, because sometimes it's not; but the hope that says even through the darkest of tunnels there will be light if we hold on and keep watching. May God bless and comfort all who are hurting and give us perspective to put aside trivialities and focus our real prayerful and practical energies on things that really matter... And may he guide us as to what those things may be...


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